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1Password® Extended Access Management Demo

Experience first hand how 1Password Extended Access Management (XAM) secures every identity, device, and application from one place.

Secure your workforce

Provide employees with simple, secure access to applications and websites through a single cloud-based workforce identity solution.

provisioning user access in Extended Access Management by 1Password

User provisioning & deprovisioning

Streamline user onboarding and offboarding, ensure employees can access every app they use for work, or easily revoke access when needed.

Provisioning demo
Figma account sign in using single sign on (SSO) by 1Password

Universal sign-on

Provide secure, seamless access to managed and unmanaged logins, whether users sign in with SSO, passwords and MFA, or passkeys.

USO demo
group access control interface for single sign on (SSO) in 1Password

Access gateway configuration

Enable SSO to give users access to multiple apps, from anywhere, on any device with a single set of credentials.

Access gateway demo

Secure your devices

Keep unknown and wounded devices away from your sensitive data with a device trust solution that checks the health of every device before granting access.

access control policy configuration in Extended Access Management by 1Password

Contextual access policies

Grant or deny access to apps based on dozens of contextual signals, including the state of the device they are using, credential strength, and more.

Policies demo
user device unblocking instructions in Extended Access Management by 1Password

Self-serve remediation

When you block access to apps based on device health, 1Password Extended Access Management assists end users with clear instructions so they can regain access quickly, without help from IT.

Remediation demo
device management inventory in Extended Access Management by 1Password

Device inventory

Automatically generate an inventory of every managed and unmanaged device that accesses business data through your identity provider.

Inventory demo

Secure all applications

Get visibility into the applications your employees are using. Identify unsanctioned apps so you can manage access to them, or guide users towards company-approved applications.

application management interface in 1Password Extended Access Management

App visibility

Gain real-time visibility into both managed and unsanctioned SaaS apps employees are using. Analyze application usage data across corporate and bring-your-own devices.

App usage demo
application management reporting and insights interface in Extended Access Management by 1Password

App usage reporting

See every SaaS app being used at your company in a single dashboard. View who’s using each app, when they were last used, how they logged in, and more.

App reporting demo

Please note: Some features are in beta or under development and are subject to change.

See 1Password Extended Access Management in action

Request a demo to see how 1Password – and only 1Password – combines workforce identity, application insights, device trust, and enterprise password management in one place.