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Webinar On DemandAccelerating growth with passkeys: Boost revenue, security, and user satisfaction

Authentication isn’t just a topic for security folks - it’s critical for business leaders to understand how improving the sign-in experience can boost revenue. For example, one in four online shoppers are willing to abandon a cart of $100+ if they had to reset their password to check out. The way your customers sign in to your site or app may have a significant impact on your bottom line. Learn how eliminating the friction caused by traditional passwords can significantly accelerate your funnel metrics, ensuring a smooth buying journey for your customers.

  • Cost and time efficiency: Discover how transitioning to passkeys can save your organization considerable time and money by reducing the reliance on expensive SMS-based MFA and minimizing support costs associated with password resets.

  • Enhance user experience: Understand the direct link between user satisfaction and revenue growth. With Passage by 1Password, increase your sign-ups and conversions by offering a secure, simple, and frictionless login experience.

  • Easy implementation: See how Passage makes rolling out passkeys a breeze, ensuring your users jump on the bandwagon fast—and happily.

Our Speakers

Headshot of Anna Pobletts

Anna Pobletts

Head of Passwordless, 1Password

Cole Hecht

Cole Hecht

Director of Engineering, 1Password

Micah Neidhart

Micah Neidhart

Product Marketer, Developer Tools, 1Password

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